Old Lyme Estate Sale!
Saturday, June 1, 2019
9:00 am—4:00 pm
Sunday, June 2, 2019
9:00 am—4:00 pm
Numbers at 7:00 am on Saturday
A Stellar Performance
Featuring an abundance of period to modern—
Baroque, French, American and Oriental Furniture,
Fine Art, Decorative and Utilitarian Accessories.
Louis XV Walnut Marble Top Bureau
Hepplewhite Bow Front 4-Drawer Chest
Hand painted and Lacquer Chinese 8-Panel Folding Screen
Bronze Putti Chenet
Extra Tall Long Case Clock
Brass Tantalus with Decanter
Early Spice Box Dutch Marquetry Writing Box
Chinese Room-size Rug
Delft Pottery Stone Carvings
Large Collection of Small Silver Boxes
Books Tools
Quality Costume Jewelry African Artifacts
You’ll find interesting and unusual whimsies throughout the house.
The kitchen and garage are loaded and
the contemporary furnishings are of the highest quality!
Parking on one side of the street only.